St. Michael the Archangel Parish

502 West Front Street, Monroe, Michigan 48161, United States

Made in the image and likeness of God, He made us good. But He loves us so much, He gave us the gift of free will. Sin distorts this gift, and we sometimes use free will in ways that aren’t of love, that aren’t of God. We sin, and we make mistakes. For this, we need a Savior. He is Jesus Christ. We stand convicted in our faith that Jesus established the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church that we may come to know Him and His truth. He leads us to our Heavenly Father, that we may follow His will that leads to eternal life.

We are grateful for the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who was sent to lead us into all truth. And while the Church makes up both saints and sinners, we journey with one another in faith, striving to be holy as our Heavenly Father is holy.