The Shalom Project

Clothing Health Physical Health Meals
639 S Green St, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101, United States

Officially a 501(c)(3) since 2006, The Shalom Project has grown from its early days serving the West Salem neighborhood of Winston-Salem to the organization it is today. In addition to our efforts to assist with the basic needs of medical care, clothing and food, The Shalom Project also oversees long term initiatives to engage with and involve the community in our efforts to reduce poverty and improve our city.

Our Mission

The Shalom Project serves and supports those in our community who have been systematically disenfranchised and oppressed. We achieve this through our outreach programming, education, and advocacy.

Our Vision

The Shalom Project envisions a peaceful, diverse, thriving community where people from all walks of life have their basic needs met and are engaged in trusting relationships, which facilitate shared power, propel just efforts, and create compassionate social change.