Community Food Basket – Idaho Falls

351 W. 14th St, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402, United States

Community Food Basket – Idaho Falls (CFBIF—formerly known as the Idaho Falls Community Food Bank) began in 1980 as a community effort among several churches to meet the emergency needs of their church members. Today, CFBIF works to meet the emergency food needs of families and individuals facing food insecurity in the greater Idaho Falls area. Currently, we serve more than 1,000 families monthly, with some months exceeding 1,400 families (over 6,000 individuals).

CFBIF is a standing committee of the Regional Council for Christian Ministry, Inc. (RCCM), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized in 1967 by local churches. Its purpose is to coordinate programs in Christian education, service, and outreach in the greater Idaho Falls area. RCCM houses three standing committees that operate outreach programs: Island Park Ministry Team, Community Food Basket – Idaho Falls, and FISH (Friends in Service Here).