Yayasan Usaha Mulia

Education Health Physical Health
Wisma Subud No. 20, Jl. RS Fatmawati Kav. 52, South Jakarta 12430, Indonesia

Yayasan Usaha Mulia (YUM) – Foundation for Noble Work is a non profit organisation that works to empower children, families and communities in Indonesia to lift themselves out of poverty. Poverty is multi-dimensional and not solely about a lack of money; it encompasses a range of issues that hinder people’s abilities to meet their basic needs and better their life with dignity. Indonesia has seen widespread development, but with the fourth largest population in the world, there are still many areas where there is a severe lack of proper health, education and community services. Millions of families continue to live below the poverty line, surviving on less than two dollars a day. YUM has worked for more than four decades in this vast archipelago to support communities, to give them hope and a way out of the cycle of poverty.

Our Vision

Empowering children, families and communities in Indonesia to lift themselves out of poverty.

Our Mission

To work with communities in providing holistic and sustainable support in the areas of health, education and community development.