Arab Organization for Agricultural Development

Education Meals
7 Amarat Street, PO. Box 474, Khartoum 11111, Sudan

The Objectives of AOAD

   The overall objective of the AOAD is to identify and develop linkages between Arab countries, and coordinate all agricultural and agricultural -related activities amongst them.  In more specific terms, this entails the following:

  • Developing the natural and human resources available in the agricultural sector, and enhancing their output based on technical know-how.
  • Increasing agricultural productivity, both in the animal and plant sectors, and attaining full agricultural integration between Arab countries.
  • Facilitating exchange of agricultural products between Arab countries.
  • Increasing agricultural production in order to attain food self-sufficiency.
  • Supporting agricultural projects and processing industries.
  • Bettering the living conditions of workers in the agricultural sector.
  • In order to better attain these objectives, the AOAD deems it necessary to undertake a number of activities on the regional as well as national levels, such as the following:
  • Collecting and disseminating information and data relevant to the fields of food and agriculture.
  • Coordinating and supporting local and regional efforts in the agricultural sector, and in specific:
  • Scientific and technological researches,  as well as  socioeconomic studies in fields related to food, agriculture and rural communities.
  •  Supporting organizations and service-providers in the fields of education, training, agricultural know-how , home-economics, credit and management, as well as development of rural communities.
  •  Natural resources preservation and updated know-how in food processing industries.